Sunday, May 29, 2005


Big A$$ BBQ Prep, and Ham

Crew*: BY, TS, RS1, RS2, DP, TK(+Sis), JZ(+J), SD, MSh, MM, SK, AG, BK

This was definately an atypical Sunday. With the Big Ass Memorial Day BBQ II coming the next day, most of the day was spent prepping for that. We made a ton of food, and ate almost none of it. A crazy number of people showed up to help, and the whole thing went very smoothly. Robin and I decided that we'd do a more sandwichy, serve yourself type thing, and then settle in for a night of poker since most of us didn't have to work the next day. After eating, we split into two tables, one free and one not. Both were good friendly games and much fun was had.

* Sorry if I've missed anyone. I was already starting to get sick and never got a good count of how many people were there.

Sunday, May 22, 2005


Got Stew?

Crew: TS, BY, RS1, RS2, JZ(+J), CP, SC2, MSh, SD, MM, CV (and a late visit from BK)

It was an odd night. I'm not sure if it's because SC and MS are Down Under, the TV was on all night, there was no new Family Guy, we ate outside, Robin and the rest of the theater folk were late, dessert was served before dishes were even started, or what! I'm not saying it was bad, just somehow different. I think I'm going to need to blame TJ again.

The stew was as expected. People seem to like it, and I like that because it's something that I've developed myself without any recipe to start with. I realize it's stew, so it's not that big of a deal, but still.

I've been waiting for the Vidalia onions to be in season, and they were worth the wait. So yummy...

Thanks again to CV for supplying the wonderful chocolate cheesecake.

Sunday, May 15, 2005


TJ's Mama Knocked Us Out

Chow: Crew: TS, BY, TK, DP, RS1, JZ(+J), SC, MS, AC, SM, BK, MM, SW, CP, and AG's debut appearance

Many apologies to CP, she was indeed there as well and I stupidly left her off the original list. Here's hoping that she will be a regular now that classes have ended!

As had been discussed at prior dinners, TJ (aka "TK") took this week to make his family's lasagna and a few other sides. The first thing to know, before we get into anything else, is that fully five heads of garlic were consumed in the preparation of this meal!

The prep began with a trip to the grocers. TJ and DP had never been to Buon Giorno's and since we were going Italian, I insisted that's where we begin the shopping. (Ok, "insist" isn't really the right word. I said we needed to go there, they said sure.) While there, we realized that it was probably smart to grab a snack before finishing shopping. Bad things happen when I shop hungry. Food was great, of course, and since the place is a scant ten minutes from TJ's place of employment, I think he might be going back for lunch again sometime.

After a somewhat quick run through Lunds, we had our supplies and hit the kitchen. For my part, I had a very relaxing afternoon of mostly watching DVDs while TJ did all of the work. We always struggle with getting food on the table in a timely manner, and this week was a pretty late dinner.

Remember the five bulbs of garlic? Good god there was garlic to be had. I'm not sure if the lasagna itself was all that garlicy, or if there was just so much everywhere else that it was overshadowed. Anyway, everyone loves garlic. Everyone loved TJ's dinner. And I loved taking a break. :)

JZ brought the tirimisu (as promised), and it was one of the more unique tirimisu's I've ever had. Damn tasty, and everyone agreed on that as well. Replacing the ladyfingers with a layer of graham cracker crust fixed what is typically my biggest complaint, soggy cookies.

Sunday, May 08, 2005


St. Louis Summer BBQ

The Chow:
The Folks: TS, BY, RS1, RS2, BK, JZ, SC, MS, CV (with a special guest appearance by TL)

The intent had been to make a pile of pork steaks for dinner, but Everet's only had four left by the time we got there. So we bought those four and made up the rest with chops. I had one of the steaks and I'll say that taking the time to actually BBQ rather than the quick grilling that we usually do is well worth it. (If you don't know the difference between BBQ and grilling, leave now, before anyone get's hurt.)
If you've never heard of pork steak before, I understand. Most people outside of St. Louis haven't. It's one of those things like Gooey Butter Cake or Toasted Ravioli. Everet's is the first and has been the only place I've ever seen pork steaks outside of my birth city. But just to clue you in, pork steak is basically sliced pork rump roast. But it's best when it's been slow cooked all day on a parking lot smoker by the Knights of Columbus or the local Rotary club as a fund-raiser. I hope I did it justice.
I only had one of the pork steaks (at over a pound each, it was plenty) so I don't know how the chops came out, but I loved what I had. Juicier than what you get at those all day smokers (most likely due to the brine), it was a little shy on spice. Don't get me wrong, there was a tang thanks to the spice rub and Maul's, and it was probably spicier than some liked, I just wanted a bit more.

While I've grown up around German potato salad, I'm not sure I've actually ever eaten any of it until tonight. This recipe was damn tasty. The vinegar set the real bacon and Vidallia onions off perfectly. I couldn't eat too much (partially due to the pound of meat), but I did savor every bite.

The corn on the cob was pretty typical, nothing spectacular, and I don't eat deviled eggs, so Meh. Robin's biscuits were flaky, moist, and tender as always.

As an appetizer (along with the eggs), TS suggested the pita bread and humus. I had my doubts as it didn't really match the meal profile I was going for, but it was really tasty. Living only a block away from Mississippi Market, I have a feeling I'll be going back for more.

Since we were lacking in the dessert department, I had initially suggested that someone run to Dairy Queen for a thing of soft serve. By the time it rolled around, we had the great idea to all go and eat it there. And it would have been a great idea too, if it weren't for the random rainstorm that seemed to be centered over the DQ and the wind tunnel blowing the foul weather through the only shelter available. We took our Peam and ran. (Yes, Uncle Mike, I've explained Peam and now everyone here calls it that. Thanks.)

Sunday, May 01, 2005


Gilled Beef Tenderloin with My Mom

The Food:
The Peeps: Mom, TS, BY, RS1, RS2, BK, DP, TK, AW, SC, MS, JZ+J, RS, SW, CP, MM, TL

When I told everyone they should be here to meet my Mom, WOW did they listen! By far the biggest night yet. I'll add more about the food later, but for now it's time for bed.

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