Sunday, April 03, 2005


Burger, Burger, Burger?

No, Juicy Lucy!

The meal:
The crew: BY, TS, RS1, RS2, SC, MS, JZ(+J), BK, SF

My God has grilling season arrived! I tried to stress to TS, that just because I wanted to hearken in the Charcoal Days with a nice stack of burgers didn't mean we were going full out picnic style. There's been an issue of Food & Wine floating around the apartment that was probably causing me to think this, but I wanted high-end burgers with crazy good toppings. And nothing says "mmm-mmm" like a burger stuffed with cheese. If you're not from here, or you've never had the Juicy Lucy, I don't know if I can explain the true magic with just words.

I admit it, ten pounds of french fries was too much. They came out great, there's just no way to cook that many fries without industrial sized friars. And they're not that great left over. I must remember that just because people eat ten pounds of heart attack mashed potatoes doesn't mean they eat ten pounds of other kinds of potatoes. There were too many fired onions as well, and the sad thing was that they didn't turn out nearly as yummy as the ones on St. Patrick's Day. I think there were two problems: 1. Use the stronger white onions. The yellow ones didn't seem to have enough strength to stand up to the friar. 2. Cut them a little thicker. A lot of them seemed to completely fry away.

The pasta salad was a nice light compliment to the rest of the heavier fried foods. I do wish the fire roasted peppers had been added the night, but too many other packing related activities took precedent.

It's funny how people go nuts over the simpler desserts. There is always a certain amount of "ooohing" and "ahhhing" over Robin's more elaborate desserts, but the brownies and ice cream had people (ok, mostly MS) perched at the counter waiting for them to be cut.

All in all, a great night. Being warm enough to use the deck made the apartment feel just a little less crowded. (So much so that I think we miss-counted how many plates we needed like three times.) I'm so looking forward to having more room in the new place, and a whole little yard rather then just the creaky deck.

Hmmm . . . to taste a top-knotch cheeseburger, especially with the cheese on the inside. Yum.
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